Get Ahead in Your
Job Hunt Before 2024

3 Proven Strategies 95% of Candidates Miss (that will make you stand out!)


Two truths about December:

  1. Companies are still hiring! (we've had many people get job offers in Dec)
  2. Most job seekers take a break in December - your chance to get ahead!

In this workshop, we'll cover:

  1. Why spending your time applying to jobs doesn’t work anymore, and how to shift to an approach that works.
  2. What hiring managers and recruiters really want from you, how to be in the top 5% of candidates.
  3. Why you don’t need deep skills and experience to get the job you want (even though they tell you that).
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What You'll Learn in this Workshop:

We'll share the 3 job hunt strategies that are most effective. And 95% of candidates don't know about them, giving you a big advantage. 👇


Why spending your time applying to jobs doesn’t work anymore.



How to get interviews without applying


What hiring managers and recruiters really want from you.



How to get noticed and get job offers in a competitive market


Why you don’t need deep skills and experience to get the job you want.

(even though they tell you that) 


How to land a job without experience

Mattie Stremic  &  Yuji Higashi

Founders of Better Career

We’ve been on the other side of the hiring table in some of the world’s most successful companies, and we know exactly what employers are looking for in a perfect candidate — AND what separates the top candidates from the rest.

Our passion and proven method lie in helping people, just like you, make career moves and land their dream job.

With 20+ years of combined Tech hiring experience, I’ve helped hundreds of people land life-changing jobs - even when they didn't have a fancy degree, the “right” experience, or special connections.

What you'll learn in this workshop has worked for hundreds of people.

Don't just take my word for it! Here's what they have to say:

These are regular people just like you. The only difference is that they took action and applied the strategies we're going to talk about in this free workshop.

If you're ready to drastically accelerate your job search, sign up below - it's 100% free!

We can't wait to share this with you.

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