Achieve your career goals faster.
Land your next B2B Tech job
Job Accelerator Program
Our flagship program.
The proven strategy, live coaching, and network that has helped hundreds of experienced job seekers and career changers land jobs at top B2B Tech companies.
Become a Project Manager
Project Manager Accelerator
We teach you everything you need to know about Project Management through our online program to ensure you have all the skills and knowledge you need to land a Project Manager position.
Get dedicated support
1-on-1 Coaching
Limited availability.
Whether you're brand new to B2B Tech or a seasoned pro looking to uplevel and reach your next career milestone, let's work together 1-on-1 to make it happen!
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About Us
In our careers, we're never taught the best way to land a great job, especially in a highly competitive job market.
We're solving that by providing affordable and proven programs to help people land life-changing jobs in the tech industry, leveraging our extensive experience hiring, interviewing, and coaching 1,000+ people.
After spending 20+ years leading teams in high-growth Tech companies, we've developed a passion for helping people find, start, and advance in careers they love.
That's why we created Better Career - to help you create the career that you want, in less time, and with less stress.
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