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From Teacher to Tech: How to make a Career Change from Teaching to a Tech Job

career change Jun 18, 2023


Teaching is a noble profession, but if you're considering a career change and have set your sights on the tech industry, you're not alone. The tech industry is booming, and with it comes a tremendous demand for skilled professionals. This article is specifically tailored for teachers who are looking to make a transition into the tech industry and explore exciting opportunities. The tech industry offers a wide range of roles and possibilities, from customer success to sales engineering, sales development, product support, and implementation positions at B2B tech companies. As technology continues to advance and infiltrate every aspect of our lives, the need for tech-savvy individuals has never been greater. Imagine the satisfaction of helping people navigate complex software, troubleshoot technical issues, or leveraging your communication and problem-solving skills to ensure customer success. The possibilities are endless, and this article will serve as your comprehensive guide to successfully making the transition from teaching to the tech industry. So, whether you're seeking a new challenge or looking to diversify your skill set, let's embark on this exciting journey together and discover how you can leverage your teaching experience to thrive in the tech industry.

Understanding the Tech Industry

The tech industry is a dynamic and rapidly expanding field that offers a plethora of opportunities for career growth and development. In this section, we will explore the fundamentals of the tech industry, its remarkable growth, and the diverse sectors within it.

1. Overview of the Tech Industry

The tech industry encompasses a wide range of sectors, including software development, information technology, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, data analysis, and more. It drives innovation and shapes the way we live and work in the modern world. With constant advancements and breakthroughs, the tech industry is constantly evolving, creating a wealth of exciting prospects for professionals.

2. Rapid Growth and Opportunities

The tech industry is experiencing exponential growth, and the demand for skilled tech professionals is higher than ever before. From startups to multinational corporations, organizations across various sectors rely on technology to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and deliver innovative products and services. This growth translates into a multitude of opportunities for individuals looking to embark on a tech career.

3. Diversity of Roles

One of the remarkable aspects of the tech industry is the wide range of roles available. Whether you have a background in teaching, marketing, project management, or any other field, there is likely a tech role that aligns with your skills and interests. From coding and programming to UX design, data analysis, and cybersecurity, the tech industry offers a diverse range of career paths to explore.

4. Benefits of a Career in Tech

Choosing a career in tech comes with numerous advantages. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Work flexibility: Unlike teaching jobs, many Tech jobs are remote positions that allow you to work from home.
  • High Earning Potential: Tech professionals are often well-compensated due to the specialized skills and expertise they bring to the table.
  • Job Security: With the increasing reliance on technology in various industries, tech professionals enjoy a higher level of job security and stability.
  • Continuous Learning Opportunities: The tech industry thrives on innovation, making it an ideal environment for individuals who enjoy continuous learning and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies.
  • Global Impact: Tech has the power to create significant positive change in society. Through your work in the tech industry, you have the opportunity to contribute to solving real-world problems and shaping the future.

Understanding the tech industry's growth, diverse roles, and the benefits it offers can inspire and motivate teachers seeking a career change. With this foundation, let's dive deeper into the steps involved in transitioning from teaching to a rewarding career in the tech industry.

Assessing Transferable Skills

As a teacher looking to transition into the tech industry, you already possess a valuable set of transferable skills that can propel you toward success in your new career. In this section, we will explore the skills you have developed through teaching and how they can be applied in the tech industry.

1. Communication Skills

Teachers are masters of communication. From effectively conveying complex ideas to adapting their communication style to different audiences, teachers excel in this essential skill. In the tech industry, strong communication skills are crucial for collaborating with cross-functional teams, presenting ideas to stakeholders, and providing exceptional customer support. Whether you're explaining technical concepts to non-technical colleagues or engaging with clients, your ability to communicate clearly and concisely will be a valuable asset.

2. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

Teachers are natural problem-solvers. Every day, they face unique challenges and find creative solutions to meet the needs of their students. This ability translates seamlessly into the tech industry, where problem-solving and critical thinking are essential. Whether it's debugging code, troubleshooting technical issues, or devising innovative solutions to complex problems, your experience as a teacher equips you with the analytical and critical thinking skills required in tech roles.

3. Adaptability and Flexibility

Teaching is a profession that demands adaptability and flexibility. Teachers are adept at adjusting their lesson plans, strategies, and approaches based on the diverse needs of their students. In the fast-paced tech industry, adaptability is a prized skill. As technology evolves, roles and responsibilities may change, and new challenges may arise. Your ability to adapt quickly to new tools, frameworks, or methodologies will enable you to thrive in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

4. Project Management

Teachers are skilled project managers. They effectively plan lessons, manage resources, and meet deadlines to ensure smooth operations in the classroom. These project management skills are highly transferable to tech roles where you may be involved in managing software development projects, coordinating teams, and overseeing timelines. Your experience in organizing and prioritizing tasks will be invaluable in delivering projects successfully.

5. Addressing Technical Skill Gaps

While teachers may possess a strong foundation in soft skills, it's understandable to have concerns about technical skills. However, it's important to remember that technical skills can be learned and developed through training and self-study. Many tech roles require specific technical skills, and there are numerous resources available to help bridge any gaps in your knowledge. Online courses, bootcamps, and certifications can provide you with the necessary technical expertise to excel in your desired tech role.

By leveraging your transferable skills and acquiring the technical knowledge needed, you can confidently make the transition from teaching to the tech industry. The combination of your existing skills and newfound technical proficiency will position you for success in this exciting and rapidly evolving field.

Researching Target Roles in Tech

When transitioning from teaching to the tech industry, it's essential to conduct thorough research to identify suitable roles that align with your skills and interests. Researching target roles will help you understand the responsibilities, qualifications, and skills required for each position. In this section, we will explore the importance of researching target roles in the tech industry and provide an overview of key roles that teachers can transition into.

1. The Importance of Research

Researching target roles in the tech industry allows you to make informed decisions about your career transition. It helps you:

  • Gain Clarity: Researching various tech roles will give you a clearer understanding of the responsibilities and expectations associated with each position.
  • Identify Transferable Skills: By examining the requirements of different roles, you can identify the transferable skills you already possess as a teacher and how they align with the tech industry.
  • Find a Good Fit: Researching roles enables you to find positions that align with your interests, values, and long-term career goals.

2. Key Roles for Teachers in the Tech Industry

As a teacher, you can leverage your skills to excel in a variety of roles within the tech industry. Here are some key roles to consider:

a. Customer Success

  • Responsibilities: Ensuring customer satisfaction, providing support, managing relationships, and identifying opportunities for upselling or cross-selling.
  • Qualifications and Skills: Strong interpersonal skills, problem-solving abilities, empathy, and the ability to communicate effectively with customers.

b. Sales Engineering

  • Responsibilities: Collaborating with sales teams, providing technical expertise to clients, conducting product demonstrations, and addressing technical queries.
  • Qualifications and Skills: Strong technical knowledge, excellent presentation and communication skills, ability to understand customer requirements, and a solution-oriented mindset.

c. Sales Development

  • Responsibilities: Generating leads, qualifying prospects, conducting outreach, and nurturing relationships with potential customers.
  • Qualifications and Skills: Strong communication skills, ability to build rapport, persistence, and a proactive approach to identifying and pursuing new business opportunities.

d. Product Support

  • Responsibilities: Providing technical support to customers, troubleshooting issues, resolving problems, and ensuring smooth product usage.
  • Qualifications and Skills: Strong problem-solving skills, ability to explain technical concepts to non-technical users, patience, and excellent customer service skills.

e. Implementation

  • Responsibilities: Overseeing the implementation of software or systems, managing project timelines, coordinating resources, and ensuring successful deployment.
  • Qualifications and Skills: Project management skills, attention to detail, ability to manage multiple tasks simultaneously, and strong organizational skills.

Curious to know which of these roles you’d be a good fit for? Try Better Career’s new Career Quiz! Answer 15 quick questions to find out which Tech career you'd do well in based on your interests and personality. 

3. Growth Potential and Future Prospects

The tech industry continues to experience rapid growth, presenting ample opportunities for career advancement. Demand for professionals in customer success, sales engineering, sales development, product support, and implementation roles remains high, driven by the increasing adoption of technology in businesses worldwide. These roles offer the potential for growth, continuous learning, and the opportunity to work with cutting-edge technologies.

By conducting thorough research, you can gain insights into the growth potential, demand, and future prospects of the roles you're interested in. This knowledge will help you make informed decisions and tailor your career transition strategy to pursue the most promising opportunities.

Remember, researching target roles in the tech industry is a crucial step in your career transition journey. It empowers you to make informed decisions, identify the roles that best suit your skills and interests, and position yourself for success in the exciting and rapidly evolving tech industry.

Bridging the Gap: Acquiring Technical Knowledge

Transitioning from teaching to a career in the tech industry may require acquiring new technical knowledge and skills. In this section, we will explore the steps you can take to bridge the gap and acquire the necessary technical knowledge for a successful career in tech.

1. Importance of Self-Study

Self-study is a valuable approach to gain technical knowledge at your own pace. Here are some steps to consider:

  • Identify Areas of Focus: Determine the specific areas of technology that align with your career goals and interests.
  • Curate Learning Resources: Utilize online tutorials, documentation, e-books, and blogs to access high-quality information and educational materials.
  • Set Goals: Break down your learning journey into smaller goals to make progress incrementally.
  • Practice Regularly: Engage in hands-on exercises and coding challenges to reinforce your understanding of concepts.

2. Online Courses, Bootcamps, and Industry Certifications

Online courses, bootcamps, and industry certifications provide structured learning experiences and recognized credentials. Consider the following steps:

  • Research and Select: Identify reputable online learning platforms, bootcamps, or institutions that offer courses relevant to your desired tech role.
  • Course Selection: Choose courses that align with your learning objectives and cover the necessary technical skills.
  • Dedicate Time: Set aside dedicated time to complete the coursework and assignments.
  • Engage in Practical Projects: Seek courses that emphasize hands-on projects to apply your newly acquired knowledge and build a portfolio.

3. Reputable Online Learning Platforms and Resources

Several reputable online learning platforms and resources can help you acquire technical knowledge. Consider the following options:

  • Coursera: Offers a wide range of courses in tech-related subjects from top universities and industry experts.
  • Udemy: Provides a vast selection of tech courses created by instructors with practical industry experience.
  • Codecademy: Focuses on interactive coding lessons to develop programming skills in various languages.
  • FreeCodeCamp: Offers a comprehensive curriculum covering web development, data science, and more.
  • YouTube Tutorials: Utilize YouTube tutorials from trusted channels to access free tech-related educational content.

4. Building Practical Projects and Open-Source Contributions

Building practical projects and contributing to open-source projects can enhance your technical skills and demonstrate your expertise. Consider the following steps:

  • Identify Project Ideas: Select projects that align with your interests and allow you to apply the skills you're learning.
  • Break Down Projects: Divide projects into smaller tasks to make them more manageable.
  • Collaborate with Others: Engage with tech communities and collaborate on open-source projects to gain real-world experience and expand your network.
  • Share Your Work: Showcase your projects on platforms like GitHub or personal websites to demonstrate your capabilities to potential employers.

By following these steps and utilizing the wealth of online resources available, you can acquire the technical knowledge necessary for a successful transition into the tech industry. Remember, consistent self-study, targeted online courses, practical projects, and active participation in tech communities will help you build a strong foundation and showcase your expertise to potential employers. Embrace the learning journey and embrace the opportunities that await you in the tech industry.

Networking and Building Connections

Networking plays a vital role in any career transition, and the tech industry is no exception. In this section, we will explore the power of networking in the tech industry and provide guidance on how to effectively build connections to support your career transition.

1. Leveraging Existing Networks and Professional Associations

Start by tapping into your existing networks and professional associations to expand your connections in the tech industry. Consider the following steps:

  • Reach Out to Colleagues: Connect with former colleagues, friends, or acquaintances who are already working in the tech industry. They can provide valuable insights, introductions, or even job referrals.
  • Join Professional Associations: Explore industry-specific professional associations or online communities that cater to tech professionals. Engage in discussions, participate in forums, and attend events to expand your network.

2. Harnessing the Power of Social Media

Social media platforms are powerful tools for networking and building connections. Here's how you can leverage them:

  • LinkedIn: Create a compelling LinkedIn profile that showcases your teaching experience, transferable skills, and your aspirations in the tech industry. Engage with relevant content, join industry groups, and connect with professionals in your desired tech roles.
  • Twitter: Follow industry influencers, tech companies, and professionals in your target roles. Engage in conversations, share valuable content, and participate in relevant Twitter chats or discussions.
  • GitHub: Build your presence on GitHub by contributing to open-source projects or showcasing your own coding projects. This platform allows you to connect with like-minded developers and establish your expertise.

3. Attend Tech Industry Events, Meetups, and Conferences

Attending tech industry events, meetups, and conferences can provide valuable networking opportunities. Consider the following strategies:

  • Research Local Events: Look for tech-related events, meetups, or conferences happening in your area. These gatherings often attract professionals, experts, and recruiters in the industry.
  • Engage in Conversations: Actively participate in discussions, ask questions, and share your insights during these events. Be open to meeting new people and exchange contact information with those you connect with.

4. Building a Strong Online Presence and Personal Brand

Establishing a strong online presence and personal brand is essential in the tech industry. Consider these tips:

  • Create a Personal Website or Blog: Share your experiences, projects, and insights through a personal website or blog. This allows you to showcase your expertise and establish yourself as a thought leader.
  • Contribute to Online Communities: Engage in tech-related online communities, forums, or platforms. Answer questions, provide valuable insights, and establish your reputation as a knowledgeable professional.
  • Publish Guest Posts or Articles: Collaborate with tech publications or industry blogs to publish guest posts or articles. This expands your reach and credibility within the tech community.

By actively networking, leveraging social media, attending events, and building your online presence, you can establish meaningful connections in the tech industry. These connections can lead to valuable opportunities, mentorship, and job prospects as you navigate your career transition into the tech industry. Remember, networking is a powerful tool that can open doors and accelerate your success in the tech industry.

Crafting an Effective Tech Resume

A well-crafted resume is essential when transitioning from teaching to a tech role. In this section, we will guide teachers on how to tailor their resumes to make a strong impression in the tech industry.

1. Highlighting Relevant Skills, Projects, and Accomplishments

When creating your tech resume, focus on highlighting the skills, projects, and accomplishments that are relevant to the specific tech roles you are targeting. Consider the following tips:

  • Technical Skills: Clearly list your technical skills, such as programming languages, software proficiency, databases, or tools, that are relevant to the desired tech roles.
  • Projects: Showcase any relevant tech projects you have completed, whether they were part of your teaching experience or personal endeavors. Highlight the technologies used, your contributions, and the outcomes achieved.
  • Accomplishments: Include any achievements or milestones you have accomplished in your teaching career that demonstrate transferable skills applicable to the tech industry, such as implementing innovative teaching methods or leading technology integration initiatives.

2. Using Action Verbs and Quantifiable Achievements

To make your tech resume impactful, use action verbs and quantifiable achievements to showcase your skills and experiences. Consider the following strategies:

  • Action Verbs: Begin bullet points with strong action verbs that convey your responsibilities and accomplishments effectively. For example, "Implemented," "Developed," "Collaborated," or "Managed."
  • Quantifiable Achievements: Whenever possible, include specific metrics or quantifiable results to demonstrate the impact of your work. For instance, "Increased student engagement by 30% through the implementation of interactive online learning platforms."

3. Customizing for Each Job Application

Customizing your resume for each job application is crucial. Tailor your resume to align with the specific requirements and keywords mentioned in the job description. Consider the following steps:

  • Keyword Optimization: Identify keywords in the job description related to skills, technologies, or qualifications sought by the employer. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your resume to increase its visibility in applicant tracking systems (ATS) and catch the attention of hiring managers.
  • Relevant Experience: Emphasize the experiences and skills that directly relate to the job requirements. Prioritize and highlight those that align most closely with the desired tech role.

4. Addressing Potential Gaps in Experience

If you have any gaps in your experience or lack certain technical qualifications, address them proactively in your resume. Consider the following approaches:

  • Transferable Skills: Highlight transferable skills gained from teaching that are applicable to the tech role. These may include communication, problem-solving, leadership, or project management skills.
  • Professional Development: Showcase any professional development activities you have undertaken to enhance your technical knowledge. This can include online courses, bootcamps, or certifications.

Crafting an effective tech resume requires a thoughtful approach that emphasizes relevant skills, quantifiable achievements, and customized content. By tailoring your resume to the specific tech roles you are targeting, showcasing your accomplishments, and addressing any potential gaps in experience, you can position yourself as a strong candidate in the competitive tech industry.

Nailing the Tech Interview

Preparing for a tech interview is crucial to increase your chances of landing a job in the tech industry. In this section, we will provide valuable insights and tips to help you ace your tech interviews.

1. Research the Company and Role

Before the interview, thoroughly research the company and the specific role you are applying for. Consider the following steps:

  • Company Culture: Understand the company's values, mission, and culture. This knowledge will help you align your answers with their core principles.
  • Role Requirements: Familiarize yourself with the key responsibilities and qualifications for the role. This will enable you to showcase how your skills and experience align with their expectations.

2. Brush Up on Technical Concepts

Tech interviews often involve technical questions to assess your knowledge and problem-solving abilities. Here's how you can prepare:

  • Review Core Concepts: Refresh your understanding of fundamental concepts related to the role you are applying for. This may include programming languages, algorithms, data structures, or system design principles.
  • Practice Coding Problems: Solve coding problems to enhance your problem-solving skills. Platforms like LeetCode and HackerRank offer coding challenges and interview practice questions.

3. Prepare for Behavioral Questions

In addition to technical questions, tech interviews often include behavioral or situational questions to assess your soft skills. Consider the following strategies:

  • Reflect on Past Experiences: Recall specific situations where you demonstrated teamwork, leadership, problem-solving, or conflict resolution skills. Prepare concise and compelling stories to illustrate these experiences.
  • Emphasize Results: Highlight the outcomes and impact of your actions in past experiences. Use quantifiable achievements and metrics whenever possible.

4. Practice Mock Interviews

Mock interviews can help you gain confidence and improve your interview performance. Consider the following approaches:

  • Mock Interview Partners: Seek a friend, mentor, or career coach who can conduct mock interviews with you. They can provide valuable feedback and simulate interview scenarios.
  • Record Yourself: Practice answering common interview questions in front of a camera or audio recorder. Review the recordings to assess your communication skills and body language.

5. Ask Thoughtful Questions

At the end of the interview, the interviewer may ask if you have any questions. Take this opportunity to demonstrate your genuine interest and engagement. Consider asking questions about:

  • Company Culture: Inquire about the team dynamics, collaboration processes, or professional development opportunities.
  • Company Projects: Ask about the company's current projects or upcoming initiatives to show your enthusiasm for their work.

Remember, thorough preparation, both technically and behaviorally, is key to nailing the tech interview. By researching the company, brushing up on technical concepts, practicing mock interviews, and asking thoughtful questions, you can confidently showcase your skills and qualifications. Approach the interview with enthusiasm, authenticity, and a positive mindset, knowing that you have prepared diligently to succeed in the tech industry.

Overcoming Challenges and Building Resilience

Transitioning from teaching to a tech career can come with its fair share of challenges. In this section, we will explore common hurdles faced by teachers during the career transition process and provide strategies for overcoming them, building resilience, and staying motivated.

1. Acknowledging the Challenges

It's important to acknowledge the challenges that may arise during the career transition. Here are some common hurdles teachers may face:

  • Imposter Syndrome: Feeling inadequate or doubting your abilities in the new tech field.
  • Learning Curve: Adapting to new technologies, concepts, and industry-specific practices.
  • Competition: Facing a competitive job market with candidates who have formal tech backgrounds.

2. Strategies for Building Resilience

Building resilience is crucial in navigating the challenges of a career transition. Consider the following strategies:

  • Maintain a Growth Mindset: Embrace a mindset of continuous learning and growth, recognizing that challenges provide opportunities for improvement.
  • Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small, to boost confidence and motivation.
  • Seek Support: Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, mentors, or fellow career transitioners who can provide guidance and encouragement.
  • Practice Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities that rejuvenate and replenish your energy, such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies.

3. Staying Motivated

Staying motivated throughout the career transition process is key to achieving your goals. Consider the following strategies:

  • Set Clear Goals: Define specific, measurable goals that align with your desired tech career path.
  • Break It Down: Break down your goals into smaller, manageable tasks to maintain a sense of progress and momentum.
  • Stay Informed: Stay updated on industry trends, emerging technologies, and job market demands to remain motivated and informed.
  • Learn from SuccessStories: Seek inspiration from teachers who have successfully transitioned into tech roles. Their stories can provide motivation and valuable insights into the journey.

Remember, overcoming challenges and building resilience is a vital part of the career transition process. By acknowledging and addressing challenges like imposter syndrome, learning curves, and competition, you can develop strategies to overcome them. Embrace a growth mindset, celebrate your achievements, seek support, and practice self-care to stay motivated and resilient. Draw inspiration from the success stories of teachers who have successfully transitioned to tech roles, knowing that you too can navigate the challenges and build a fulfilling career in the tech industry.


In this article, we have explored the process of transitioning from teaching to the tech industry and discussed various key aspects to consider. Let's recap the main points and encourage teachers to take action towards their tech career dreams:

  • Opportunities and Benefits: The tech industry offers a wide range of roles and presents numerous opportunities for career growth, high earning potential, job security, and continuous learning.
  • Transferable Skills: Teachers possess valuable transferable skills such as communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, adaptability, and project management, which can be applied to tech roles.
  • Research and Preparation: Conduct thorough research on target roles in the tech industry, identify the required skills and qualifications, and tailor your resume accordingly.
  • Building Technical Knowledge: Acquire technical knowledge through self-study, online courses, bootcamps, and certifications, and consider practical projects or open-source contributions to enhance your skills.
  • Networking and Connections: Leverage existing networks, professional associations, and social media platforms to build connections in the tech industry. Attend industry events, meetups, and conferences to expand your network further.
  • Interview Success: Prepare for tech interviews by researching the company and role, brushing up on technical concepts, practicing mock interviews, and asking thoughtful questions.
  • Overcoming Challenges: Acknowledge the challenges, build resilience, and stay motivated throughout the career transition process. Seek support, maintain a growth mindset, and celebrate small wins along the way.

Now is the time to take action! Embrace the learning process, seek mentorship, join tech communities, and start the job application process. Your tech career awaits, and with determination and effort, you can successfully transition from teaching to the thriving tech industry. Best of luck on your journey!




  1. How can teachers transition to tech careers?
    • Explore the steps involved in transitioning from teaching to the tech industry, including research, skill assessment, and acquiring technical knowledge.
    • Discuss the importance of networking, resume customization, and showcasing transferable skills.
  2. What skills do teachers have that are valuable in the tech industry?
    • Highlight the transferable skills teachers possess, such as communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, adaptability, and project management.
    • Provide examples and anecdotes demonstrating how these skills can be applied in tech roles.
  3. What are the best tech roles for teachers to transition into?
    • Discuss specific tech roles suitable for teachers, such as Customer Success, Sales Engineering, Sales Development, Product Support, and Implementation positions.
    • Explain the responsibilities, qualifications, and skills required for each role, along with their growth potential and future prospects.
  4. How can teachers acquire technical knowledge for a career in tech?
    • Outline the steps to acquire technical knowledge, including self-study, online courses, bootcamps, and industry certifications.
    • Suggest reputable online learning platforms and resources for tech-related subjects.
    • Emphasize the significance of practical projects and open-source contributions in enhancing skills.
  5. What networking strategies can teachers use to make connections in the tech industry?
    • Provide guidance on leveraging existing networks, joining professional associations, and utilizing social media platforms to connect with professionals in the tech industry.
    • Discuss the benefits of attending tech industry events, meetups, and conferences.
    • Offer tips on building a strong online presence and personal brand in the tech industry.

These frequently asked questions address common concerns and provide valuable information for teachers looking to transition to tech careers. By understanding the steps involved, identifying transferable skills, exploring suitable tech roles, acquiring technical knowledge, and utilizing effective networking strategies, teachers can successfully make the transition and thrive in the exciting world of technology.



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