Is Traditional Job Search Advice Holding You Back?

Is Traditional Job Search Advice Holding You Back?

job search newsletter Mar 02, 2024

Read time: 5 mins

Do a quick Google search for "How to Land a Job in Tech".


In under 0.5 seconds, you’ll be met with 439,000,000 results.


It’s safe to say there's no shortage of advice on how to land a job in the tech industry. 


The sad thing, however, is that a lot of this advice is outdated in today’s job market. 


The tech industry itself is dynamic by nature. It's a space that's always challenging the status quo and brimming with new ideas, systems, and technologies to solve today's problems. 


So as a hiring manager, it pains me to see that most job seekers are stuck in a time warp: attempting to thrive in an innovative industry with outdated tactics.


The tech landscape is evolving faster than ever (AI, Web 2.0 is back!, Cybersecurity, and more), and if you want to get in on the action, your job search strategy needs to evolve, too.


Traditional Job Search Strategies Don’t Work Today


To better understand why traditional job advice might be hurting your job search, let's take a look at some conventional job search strategies and briefly discuss why they’re not effective today.


1. “It’s a numbers game. Apply to more jobs to increase my chances” 🎯


The Strategy: Job searching is a volume game. Send your resume to as many job listings as you can find. Make sure you spend the major part of your day sending out applications.


Reality Check: The problem with focusing on the volume of applications is that you’ll end up applying to many roles that are not in line with your current skill set and that your resume isn’t optimized for. 


Sending out blanket applications that are not relevant to the advertised role will lead to your resume getting ignored. 


Instead, it’s best to be strategic in your approach by applying to roles that align with your career plan, ensuring a better fit and increased chances of success.

Also, don’t spend all your time filling out applications. Allocate time for developing your other impactful ‘job search assets’ (see number #3 below).


2. Tailor your resume for every application and include all the keywords!


The Strategy: Tailor your resume for every job that you apply to, and make sure to include as many keywords as possible. 


The Reality Check: Well, there’s some nuance here. Yes, your resume should be relevant to your target role and include the necessary keywords.


However, most job seekers go overboard, spending way too much energy tailoring their resume for every single job and over-stuffing it with keywords.


Over-stuffing a resume with keywords might make it more likely for a human (recruiter) to see it, but as soon as they do, they’ll push it to the rejection pile unless there is substance with each of the keywords. Keywords alone aren’t useful to a recruiter. The keywords need context. For example using a formate such as: "Accomplished [X] as measured by [Y], by doing [Z]."


If you’re tailoring your resume for every application, you’re likely wasting valuable time and energy that could be better spent.


Instead, have 2-4 versions of your resume that are relevant to different variations of your target role. And spend the rest of your energy reaching out to hiring managers and networking with people at your target companies (see this article on how to find and connect with key people). 


3. Your resume is your most important asset when looking for a job.


The Strategy: Focus on your resume. If you have good experience and a great resume, you’ll have no problem getting interviews and landing job offers. 


The Reality Check: In a competitive job market, even if you’re the most qualified candidate with the best resume, your application may never be seen by a human. Even if it is, there are dozens of other exceptional resumes for them to consider. 


An optimized resume is still important. But to stand out in the sea of qualified applicants, you need to broaden your strategy and focus on your other job search assets, including your LinkedIn profile, portfolio, and your network.


LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is arguably more important than your resume since it’s common for recruiters and hiring managers to see your profile before ever seeing your resume. Having an optimized resume also helps you get found by recruiters - bringing opportunities directly to you.



Build a portfolio showcasing your projects and skills. Whether it's coding projects, design samples, or case studies, let your work speak for itself. Showcasing tangible proof of your capabilities will set you apart from the competition.



Building connections leads to referrals and opportunities. Engage in online communities, join discussions, and attend virtual meetups. Your next opportunity could just be a LinkedIn comment away. In fact, whatever amount of time you spend on sending applications, spend more time than that building connections within the tech industry niche that you’re targeting. 


Ultimately, having a multi-faceted strategy is the most effective way to land a job. Not only that, but these assets will also help you progress throughout your career.


4. Don’t ask for more money 💸🙅🏾‍♂️


The Strategy: You’re lucky if you get an offer. It’s a tough job market. Accept whatever the company gives you and work your way up from there.


The Reality Check: Know your worth. Negotiating is part of the game, and companies expect it, even in today’s job market. 


Instead of settling for less, equip yourself with the knowledge to negotiate confidently and ensure you're compensated appropriately for your skills and experience.


We actually wrote an entire guide on how to make sure you get the best salary possible. You can get it here.


Conclusion: The Future is Yours 


In today’s rapidly evolving tech job market, yesterday's advice is today's ancient history. The journey to a successful career in tech requires a mindset shift, a willingness to embrace change, and a commitment to do the required work. 


And by adopting these new strategies, you'll be well on your way to navigating your job search with confidence and owning your career. 


Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways we can help you:

1. Free Job Search Workshop: Learn about the strategies hundreds of people have used to land high-paying jobs in the tech space.  

2. Job Accelerator Program: Our flagship program gives you live coaching and the step-by-step process to land a B2B tech job quickly, saving you the cost of a prolonged job search.

3. Personalized 1:1 Coaching: We'll work together to help you start or advance your career within B2B tech. 

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